1. Another Sort of Freedom
2. The Dilemma of an Indian Liberal
Another Sort of Freedom
Another Sort of Freedom, is the story of one man’s search to find meaning and purpose in live. Candid, witty and wry, the memoir is filled with moments of deep introspection at every turn alongside wise observations on the author’s encounters with history on four continents. Accompanying the intense personal tale, is a parallel narrative of a nation's struggle to define its future.

The Dilemma of an Indian Liberal
In The Dilemma of an Indian Liberal, a lifelong, passionate champion of economic and political freedom, Gurcharan Das writes, ‘For over two centuries liberal democracies and free markets spread around the world to become the only sensible way to organise public life.’ In India, he watched for 40 years the ‘license raj’ frustrate the hopes of millions. Then in 1991, he celebrated India’s long-delayed move to a liberal order as market reform and a maturing democratic process began to yield remarkable results, bringing prosperity and dignity to millions. Just when everything was going well, the light has begun to fade after 30 years as democracy has begun to weaken with the rise of Hindu nationalism. As in the rest of the world, liberalism is in retreat. Society is hopelessly polarised, and a liberal today finds himself on a lonely road. And yet the author sees grounds for optimism and hope in the future.